*Actually, every Jew at any level who is committed to grow, learn and improve, based on Torah values is a
בעל תשובה
Baal Teshuva; Definition: “Master of Return”

Something to Ponder

The Torah portion dedicated to the pinnacle, most paramount moment in human history was named after the most open minded man.
“Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the deities” Exodus 18,11
Yitro was the father in law of Moses and dedicated most of his life to spiritual growth, understanding and learning about G-d. He explored every type of idol worship. His conclusion represents not only the characteristic of open mindedness, it represent a yearning to grow closer to Our Creator.
This inborn struggle is in everyone and is linked to our very purpose. Yitro was able overcome the struggles and temptations of his generation. In many ways the struggles with idol worship are more concealed and even more challenging in this generation.
is the Ultimate Truth
Today, more than ever in human history, technology has afforded mankind the ability to instantly share information.
Unfortunately, in light of the current political, educational and media environment, it has become less likely than ever to find genuine truth and facts, that have not been swayed in some way.
Question and Question Again
Humanity has reached the point where we have an equal capacity to improve or to destroy this world.
One can seek, understand and communicate truth, educate others, and perfect the world, just as easily as one can use media to spread untruths, or distort and manipulate information.
History can be re-written and hatred can spread faster and with more potency than ever before.

Turn the pages, turn the pages….
Everything is in it
Fortunately, HaShem has provided a countermeasure to any possible falsehood that may arise.
The Torah is the one fixed set of morals and truths that has stood the test of time.
The Torah is divided into weekly portions ( Pasha plural Parshiot) Current or Torah
Got Questions?
Unlike other religions, Torah Judaism does not doge the difficult questions with answers like “you just have to have faith”. A learned rabbi will always know where to turn within the vast treasure of commentary to find actual valid answers to all the difficult question in life.
First question: Do you know who you are ?

A. You are a descendant of spiritual giants,….
“And now, if you obey Me and keep My covenant, you shall be to Me a treasure out of all peoples, for Mine is the entire earth. And you shall be to Me a kingdom of princes and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5-6

That is not to say Jews are inherently better than any other nationality.
We are not.
The difference is that we are charged with a purpose.
We and all of our descendants have been “chosen” and given the responsibility, to receive the book of instructions for humanity, the Torah.
Visit The Engage Page / Weekly Parsha
May HaShem bless you in every aspect of your journey and more importantly, may you become instrumental in bringing the light of Torah to many others.

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