“In G-d we trust”
The Torah of course, transcends all earthly matters. As tempting as it is to make a comparison to current events, on this American Independence Day 2019,

This site will always remain non political. (can’t be responsible for any similarities the reader may find)

This Parsha is about a coup d’état “ An attempt of a small group to overthrow the leadership of nation”
Korach was extremely wealthy. He lacked little, except power. He incited anger in 250 others who challenged Moshe and Aaron’s authority.
Moshe basically said it is Hashem who appoints leaders, let Hashem decide.
This is the quintessential…. Good vs evil or humble vs arrogant battle.

In summary, The rebellious power hungry were killed, the earth opened up and swallowed the rebels, a fire came forth consuming the people, and a plague killed thousands.
As if that were not enough to for Hashem to inform the world who decides who will lead…. Hashem proposed a contest to see what would happen if the leaders of each tribe planted planted their staffs before the Ark.

Only Aaron’s staff spouted and gave forth Almond blossoms