The Journey of Life

We all learn early in life that this allotted time we have been given is a journey. When setting sail for a distant island, the course must be carefully plotted. If the course is off by a matter of one tenth of one degree, the destination will be something completely different. The seemingly insignificant decisions we make can tremendously change the trajectory of our lives. The direction we turn, the decisions we make can, for example, lead us to a mundane empty existence with pitfalls, dead-ends or worse.
Conversely, a seemingly unimportant life decision can unlock the potential for greatness, where constructive actions can have an enormous impact on many

We live in a dichotomy. It all depends on our perspective. Our field of vision is limited. Upon first glance at the ocean, the scene appears interesting and pleasant to the senses. But what is its purpose? Upon further exploration a world teaming with life is exposed a moving, living, world of wonders, of treasures that sustain and perpetuate the wonders of nature.

Just as a new product will come with instructions put forth by its creator, we too have been given our set of instructions from our Creator
If you are looking for direction, if you have questions, if you instinctively sense that there must be more, and if you have read this far than you already know which way to turn…. Turn to Torah

The knowledge of our creator and His instructions to humanity mirror the mechanics of life. We can’t just purchase a book and upon payment suddenly receive all its information. We can’t just look at a table when we are hungry and suddenly have a five course dinner set on it.
Human nature being what it is we need to toil, to work, to strive for things. Without this system in place, nothing would have value, there would be no purposefulness, no advancement, nor appreciation for anything.

Yes, life is not as some believe, a cosmic accident that just happened, with no creator and no purpose. Life has meaning and you can discover it.
We live in a unique period of time. With the relatively recent explosion of mass media and the commercialization of the content within, we are constantly pulled in every direction. We are promised everything and anything virtually every waking hour.
Ultimately everyone is competing for the same things, loyalty, money and obedience / following.
Torah knowledge is not antithetical to science or history
While there are some divergent schools of thought, the vast majority of western scholarly beliefs mirror or are similar to that in the Torah.

Even if you remove the spiritual, the mystical aspect and approach the study of Torah systematically, from a purely logical point of view it is mind boggling. What is a reason the Torah has been and continues to be the most popular literary work of all time? Nothing known to man comes close to the vast supporting data, the commentaries and commentaries on the commentaries written on it can fill a stadium. The magnitude of time and energy that millions have dedicated for millennia to the research, the learning, probing, the delving is unrivaled.

Intellectually, you would think the most fervent atheists, the most cynical doubters would be scrambling to disprove the validity of the Torah. Indeed they have. Their proof…. It’s called the ascent of mankind and civilization.

Historians agree on very little, but all acknowledge that at some point, suddenly perhaps between three and four thousand years ago, and for no apparent understandable reason mankind became civilized and began living in cooperative societies.

People realized there is enormous value in working together for common goals. By abhorring disunity and seeing themselves as one unified entity, cooperating for a common purpose, they could have more control over their destiny.
Is it a coincidence of nature that just as Torah arrived on the scene, the advancement of technology and society accelerated an inconceivable rate.

If you are a skeptic, an agnostic, an atheist or just curious to find out what has made the Torah the most popular, most analyzed, most scrutinized literature for all humanity for all time, I strongly suggest you
Turn to Torah*

* Along with the accompanied oral Torah and associated commentaries.