We are living in a time where “wellsprings” of the most precious, most treasured Torah wisdom is available at the touch of a finger, and able to spread out over the face of the earth like never before in history….,

Israel ben Eliezer more commonly known as the Baal Shem Tov  (1698-1760) was a fascinating, phenomenal figure who changed Judaism forever. He would often go into deep trance like meditate states. One such time he envisioned the Moshiach (Messiah) and he asked him: “When master will you come?” and the reply said to him was: “When your teachings shall spread like wellsprings throughout the world.”

The following represents just the tip of the iceberg of resources for learning and growth:

This one lives up to its name

Tools For Torah

I like this one , but I always have trouble remembering the name….

Teachings of Rabbi Eli J Mansour

Amazing Jewish Folk-Rock Laible Ben Moshe